Smart Collection

We see collecti­on not as just and exit stra­te­gy, but as Cri­sis-CRM com­mu­ni­cati­on. Our appro­ach ensu­re over all busi­ness susta­i­na­bi­li­ty without losing poten­tial on alrea­dy acqui­red cus­to­mer portfolio.

The solu­ti­on goal is to decre­a­se the cost of collecti­on and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly pre­ser­ve loyal relati­on­ship with eve­ry customer.

We call this solu­ti­on “CRM cri­sis com­mu­ni­cati­on”, which sug­gests that smart collecti­on still sees the futu­re busi­ness poten­tial in eve­ry cli­ent and, the­re­fo­re, hel­ps even in unple­a­sant situati­ons. The main rea­son for that is sim­ple, the acqui­si­ti­on costs. The acqui­si­ti­on of new cus­to­mers has beco­me a very deman­ding task and the costs are enor­mous. The­re­fo­re, dedi­ca­ting our effort to cus­to­mers and look after them in a way that allows a futu­re pro­fit gene­rati­on is worth it. Our smart collecti­on pro­vi­des a wide ran­ge of default pre­ven­ti­on tech­niques and a pro­acti­ve rece­i­va­ble management.

The smart collecti­on is ana­ly­ti­cal based tool, which makes the who­le pro­cess very effi­ci­ent and impro­ves cus­to­mer satis­facti­on at the same time.


The solu­ti­on goal is to decre­a­se the cost of collecti­on and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly pre­ser­ve loyal relati­on­ship with eve­ry customer. 


We call this solu­ti­on “CRM cri­sis com­mu­ni­cati­on”, which sug­gests that smart collecti­on still sees the futu­re busi­ness poten­tial in eve­ry cli­ent and, the­re­fo­re, hel­ps even in unple­a­sant situati­ons. The main rea­son for that is sim­ple, the acqui­si­ti­on costs. The acqui­si­ti­on of new cus­to­mers has beco­me a very deman­ding task and the costs are enor­mous. The­re­fo­re, dedi­ca­ting our effort to cus­to­mers and look after them in a way that allows a futu­re pro­fit gene­rati­on is worth it. Our smart collecti­on pro­vi­des a wide ran­ge of default pre­ven­ti­on tech­niques and a pro­acti­ve rece­i­va­ble management.


The smart collecti­on is ana­ly­ti­cal based tool, which makes the who­le pro­cess very effi­ci­ent and impro­ves cus­to­mer satis­facti­on at the same time.