Direct marketing (e‑Wallet)

We deve­lo­ped and laun­ched new com­mu­ni­cati­on chan­nel enhan­cing your capa­bi­li­ty to cre­a­te relati­on­ship with your cus­to­mer using mobi­le phones.

Maxi­mi­zing the value of cus­to­mer port­fo­lio throu­gh data-based direct cus­to­mer com­mu­ni­cati­on is ano­ther core com­pe­ten­ce of our con­sul­ting team.

The tra­di­ti­o­nal direct mar­ke­ting across a few coor­di­na­ted  chan­nels, however, is not suf­fi­ci­ent to nur­tu­re port­fo­li­os of toda­ys, ever more digi­tal cus­to­mers anymore.

That‘s why we keep explo­ring the latest digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies, mer­ging the direct and digi­tal mar­ke­ting in one exci­ting omni­chan­nel game. One of our recent dis­co­ve­ries is „wallet mar­ke­ting“. We have rede­fi­ned the estab­lished tech­no­lo­gy of well-known digi­tal wallet cards, by using them as ano­ther two way digi­tal chan­nel for cus­to­mer communication.

The spe­ci­fic pro­per­ties of this new chan­nel have ope­ned new possi­bi­li­ties of cus­to­mer acqui­si­ti­on as well as on-boar­ding and reten­ti­on, espe­ci­ally in industries with low frequen­cy of cus­to­mer interactions.


Maxi­mi­zing the value of cus­to­mer port­fo­lio throu­gh data-based direct cus­to­mer com­mu­ni­cati­on is ano­ther core com­pe­ten­ce of our con­sul­ting team.


The tra­di­ti­o­nal direct mar­ke­ting across a few coor­di­na­ted  chan­nels, however, is not suf­fi­ci­ent to nur­tu­re port­fo­li­os of toda­ys, ever more digi­tal cus­to­mers anymore.


That‘s why we keep explo­ring the latest digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies, mer­ging the direct and digi­tal mar­ke­ting in one exci­ting omni­chan­nel game. One of our recent dis­co­ve­ries is „wallet mar­ke­ting“. We have rede­fi­ned the estab­lished tech­no­lo­gy of well-known digi­tal wallet cards, by using them as ano­ther two way digi­tal chan­nel for cus­to­mer communication.


The spe­ci­fic pro­per­ties of this new chan­nel have ope­ned new possi­bi­li­ties of cus­to­mer acqui­si­ti­on as well as on-boar­ding and reten­ti­on, espe­ci­ally in industries with low frequen­cy of cus­to­mer interactions.