Price Optimization

Find the right and opti­mal pri­ce impro­ving your pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty as well as cus­to­mer satis­facti­on. Susta­i­na­ble pri­cing model is based on risk adjus­ted pro­jec­ted futu­re cus­to­mer life time value.

The solu­ti­on aims to miti­ga­te risks of setting up an incorrect pri­cing, which could result in losing of cus­to­mers or wrac­king the busi­ness relati­on­ship or low profitability.

The solu­ti­on unique­ness is pre­sen­ted by pri­cing based on the sensi­ti­vi­ty of each cus­to­mer to the chan­ge in pri­ce.   The inte­grati­on with opti­mal offers (COO) takes this pro­duct to ano­ther level cre­a­ting a win-win situati­on for both sides par­ti­ci­pa­ting. Using the pri­ce opti­mi­zati­on you can easi­ly cal­cu­la­te exis­ting and esti­ma­ted futu­re cus­to­mer life-time value and manage the relati­on­ship with cus­to­mers in the most pro­fi­table way.

Cus­to­mers get per­so­na­li­sed offers at opti­mal pri­ce making it inte­res­ting from the­ir point of view. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, the bank maxi­mi­ses its pro­fit and makes the who­le pro­cess more effective.


The solu­ti­on aims to miti­ga­te risks of setting up an incorrect pri­cing, which could result in losing of cus­to­mers or wrac­king the busi­ness relati­on­ship or low profitability.


The solu­ti­on unique­ness is pre­sen­ted by pri­cing based on the sensi­ti­vi­ty of each cus­to­mer to the chan­ge in pri­ce.   The inte­grati­on with opti­mal offers (COO) takes this pro­duct to ano­ther level cre­a­ting a win-win situati­on for both sides par­ti­ci­pa­ting. Using the pri­ce opti­mi­zati­on you can easi­ly cal­cu­la­te exis­ting and esti­ma­ted futu­re cus­to­mer life-time value and manage the relati­on­ship with cus­to­mers in the most pro­fi­table way.


Cus­to­mers get per­so­na­li­sed offers at opti­mal pri­ce making it inte­res­ting from the­ir point of view. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, the bank maxi­mi­ses its pro­fit and makes the who­le pro­cess more effective.