Application process

Our appli­cati­on pro­cess sta­te-of-art archi­tectu­re ensu­re shor­te­ning of appli­cati­on pro­cess imple­men­tati­on pro­jects, wide­ning its sco­pe to cover after sales relati­on­ship main­te­nan­ce, cross-sell and up-sell acti­vi­ties and making your busi­ness cus­to­mer cent­ric. Beco­me bet­ter than fin tech com­pe­ti­ti­on alrea­dy today.

Assis­to Con­sul­ting has a strong exper­ti­se with digi­ta­li­zati­on pro­jects. In mul­tiple occasi­on and seve­ral coun­tries within EU we act in role of a pro­ject lea­der, busi­ness archi­tects, pro­ject medi­a­tor etc. within pro­jects that are equal regar­ding its sco­pe as well as aimed tar­get to digi­ta­li­zati­on. Assis­to Con­sul­ting under­stands that digi­ta­li­zati­on of the banks is now beco­ming a cru­cial topic. The ban­king pro­ces­ses and the cus­to­mer beha­vi­our are chan­ging from the pen & paper appro­ach to more digi­ta­li­zed pro­cess flows.

The­re­fo­re, the banks should be rea­dy to adapt the­ir pro­ces­ses more digi­ta­li­zed as possi­ble as not to fall behind the sec­tor and to meet deman­ding cus­to­mer satis­facti­on. This adap­tati­on will help the bank to enhan­ce qua­li­ty of cus­to­mer ser­vi­ces and redu­ce the costs & effort. More­o­ver, with more digi­ta­li­zed pro­ces­ses, the deci­si­ons will be made more rapi­dly and effi­ci­ent­ly sin­ce the data will be more power­ful than befo­re in the who­le process.

Our archi­tectu­re is, the­re­fo­re, com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent to what is the norm now. This solu­ti­on allows all appli­cati­ons to be pre­ap­pro­ved, mea­ning all appli­cants are eva­lua­ted from many per­specti­ve in advan­ce, moves len­ding pro­ces­ses into the digi­tal chan­nel and redu­cing the appli­cati­on pro­cess per­for­man­ce problems.


Assis­to Con­sul­ting has a strong exper­ti­se with digi­ta­li­zati­on pro­jects. In mul­tiple occasi­on and seve­ral coun­tries within EU we act in role of a pro­ject lea­der, busi­ness archi­tects, pro­ject medi­a­tor etc. within pro­jects that are equal regar­ding its sco­pe as well as aimed tar­get to digi­ta­li­zati­on. Assis­to Con­sul­ting under­stands that digi­ta­li­zati­on of the banks is now beco­ming a cru­cial topic. The ban­king pro­ces­ses and the cus­to­mer beha­vi­our are chan­ging from the pen & paper appro­ach to more digi­ta­li­zed pro­cess flows.


The­re­fo­re, the banks should be rea­dy to adapt the­ir pro­ces­ses more digi­ta­li­zed as possi­ble as not to fall behind the sec­tor and to meet deman­ding cus­to­mer satis­facti­on. This adap­tati­on will help the bank to enhan­ce qua­li­ty of cus­to­mer ser­vi­ces and redu­ce the costs & effort. More­o­ver, with more digi­ta­li­zed pro­ces­ses, the deci­si­ons will be made more rapi­dly and effi­ci­ent­ly sin­ce the data will be more power­ful than befo­re in the who­le process.


Our archi­tectu­re is, the­re­fo­re, com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent to what is the norm now. This solu­ti­on allows all appli­cati­ons to be pre­ap­pro­ved, mea­ning all appli­cants are eva­lua­ted from many per­specti­ve in advan­ce, moves len­ding pro­ces­ses into the digi­tal chan­nel and redu­cing the appli­cati­on pro­cess per­for­man­ce problems.